
Contains no harsh ingredients to harm delicate fibers
Safe for use on any wet-cleanable fiber
pH: 9.1–10.1
Safe for stain-resistant carpets
Dilute 12 ounces per gallon of water

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  • Grime B Gone is a premium concentrated preconditioning carpet cleaner.
  • Up to 32:1 dilution delivers cost-effective, high-quality carpet cleaning.
  • Penetrates to remove dirt and grease, while rinsing easily meets stain-resistant specifications for safe use.
  • Recommended for use in restaurants (remove cooking oil) and auto/machine shops (remove greasy deposits).


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An ammoniated window and glass cleaner which is ready to use and streak free. This institutional formula contains deionized water, anti-resoil additives, corrosion inhibitors, degreasing solvents and ammonia for high performance glass cleaning.Glass showcases in retail locations need a glass cleaner powerful enough to cut through the grease and grime, retard fingerprints, and leave the showcases clean, sparkling, and streak-free.

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Heavy-Duty Degreaser / Cleaner Concentrate

A revolutionary industrial strength degreaser cleaner that rapidly removes the most stubborn greasy soils!

This product is manufactured with a combination anionic-nonionic detergent system and includes chelating agents, inhibitors, wetting aids and water soluble solvents to provide rapid emulsification on both dry and oily soils.

Authorized USDA Product

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100% Active – All Natural Citrus Degreaser Deodorizer

A highly active yet eco-friendly product designed for all your industrial and cleaning needs!

Industrial / Instituional Degreasing Deodorization
Dextro Limonene
Citrus Extract Solvents & Emulsifiers
Cuts Through The Greasiest Oily Films

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    • Semi-Permanent Sealer
    • Not removed with normal floor stripping
    • Stain Resistant
    • Water-based Emulsion 
    • Provides Uniform Floor Surface 
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  • Banishes oil- and grease-based stains from traffic lanes
  • Leaves no health-compromising residue
  • pH: 8.0–8.8
  • Safe for stain-resistant carpet
  • Dilute 4 ounces per gallon of water
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  • Great spotter for oily spots as well as gum
  • Also removes asphalt, tar, automobile grease, oil, etc.
  • pH: 4.0–5.0
  • Safe for stain-resistant carpet
  • Ready to use
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Ready to use disinfectant, cleaner, mildewstat, and fungicide

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1 QT, 0.95 L

Ready to use disinfectant, cleaner, mildewstat, and fungicide

Non-food contact sanitizer, virucide, deodorizer

Kills 99.9% of bacteria

For use in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels & motels, institutional, industrial, schools, restaurants, food handling and processing areas, and USDA inspected food-processing facilities


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-This product can clean all surface like ALL PURPOSE

This screw on spout allows for easy pouring

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Green Product

Removes grease from equipment, floors and walls.

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Green Product

Removes hard water stains from restroom fixtures while promoting a positive environmental profile.

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Green Product

This neutral cleaner will provide a superior level of sanitation to areas where cross-contamination is of concern.

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This screw on spout allows for easy pouring on gallon bottles

  • It-Completely soap-free!!
  • True green cleaner!
  • powerful cleaner!
  • Non-Toxic!
  • Will not leave behind a soapy!
  • No Sticky soap or Detergent Residues!
  • Spots & Stains Will Not Bleed Back!
  • Environmentally Conscious!
  • Absolutely Odorless!
  • User Safe!
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Excellent cleaning results on heavy grease, oil and dirt soiled carpets and upholstery.

Removes ground-in dirt from soiled traffic lanes.

Remove tough blood, inks, road tar, ketchup, shoe polish, food and beverage residues, spots & stains and more!

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Excellent cleaning results on heavy grease, oil and dirt soiled carpets and upholstery.

Removes ground-in dirt from soiled traffic lanes.

Remove tough blood, inks, road tar, ketchup, shoe polish, food and beverage residues, spots & stains and more!

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Provides excellent cleaning results on heavy grease, oil & dirt soiled carpets and upholstery.
Removes ground-in dirt from severely soiled traffic lanes. Removes tough spots and stains caused by blood, inks, road tar, ketchup, shoe polish, food and beverage residues, and more!

This screw on spout allows for easy pouring on gallon bottles

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-Extraordinary Cleaning Results

-Environment Friendly, Totally Safe!

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Green Seal Certified

Unlimited cleaning power!

Non-toxic, odorless and earth-friendly.


-Superior Cleaning Results!

-No Sticky Soap or Detergent Residues!

-Removes Years of Soil Build-up!

-Environmentally Conscious!

– No Toxic or Hazardous Acids of Butyls!

-Will Not Bleach or Damage Surfaces!

-Absolutely Odorless!!

-User Safe!

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Green Seal Certified

Unlimited cleaning power!

Non-toxic, odorless and earth-friendly.


-Superior Cleaning Results!

-No Sticky Soap or Detergent Residues!

-Removes Years of Soil Build-up!

-Environmentally Conscious!

– No Toxic or Hazardous Acids of Butyls!

-Will Not Bleach or Damage Surfaces!

-Absolutely Odorless!!

-User Safe!

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During this emergency, we are doing our best to fill orders
as quickly as possible. High demand items like disinfectants,
wipes, toilet tissue, gloves, hand sanitizer, hand soap, etc.
have been frequently out of stock as our manufacturing
partners struggle with increased demand.
If you order an item that is out of stock, we will ship it to you
as soon as we are able. If you need items immediately,
please contact us via phone (888)234-2255
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on which items are currently available.
Thank you for your understanding - Janilink
The phone system in our area is temporarily down at this moment. If you need to reach us, please send inquiries to our email at or call emergency line at 770-220-0553.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Xmas/ End of Year SPECIAL
Adios 2020!
So glad that year 2020 is almost over.
We will get through this Covid-19 together.
Save extra 10% off on already
rock-bottom priced Janilink's major machines & chemicals by using code below. Please follow the link on top of the page.
Code: XMAS10
We wish you happy & healthy Holidays!
We’ve just moved to a new location!
You're welcome to come in!

[ New location: ]
6576 Dawson Blvd, Ste B~D
Norcross, GA, 30093
(Near Rooms-to-go Outlet on Jimmy Carter Blvd Exit- Only 7 mins away from previous location)