Contact us for price, size, and shape
Our cordless anti-static chairmats combine the beauty of a clear vinyl chairmat with anti-static protection. They are chemically formulated to dissipate static electricity BEFORE it has a chance to damage sensitive computer equipment. The protection is more than surface protection … it’s built in!! Available in studded or non-studded designs.
SuperMat – Commercial grade carpeting
At 1/8″ thick this mat is the highest quality vinyl mat you can buy for commercial grade carpeting.
Shapes & Sizes
36×48 w/20×12 Lip
45×53 w/25×12 Lip
48×48 w/25×12 Lip
48×60 w/25×12 Lip
60×60 w/30×10 Lip
(Round Corner)
36 x 48, 45 x 53
48 x 48, 48 x 60
48 x 72, 48 x 96
60 x 60, 60 x 72
60 x 96