Floor Finish Chemicals (Wax & Seal)

Floor Finishing & Sealing

Our #1 Best Selling Wax of All Time!

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#1 Best Seller for 2010

Best floor finish we have ever seen! !

Guaranteed ! ! or Money Back! !

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Freight Shipping ONLY

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#2 Top Seller of 2010

-Very DURABLE Finish

-GREAT shine retention

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-Has 35% Solids!!!!

-Very Popular & Respected Floor Finish

Sold Many drums over 7 years

NO Ground Shipping! Freight ONLY!

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-Has 35% Solids!!!!

-Very Popular Product

Sold Many drums over 7 years

NO Ground Shipping! Freight ONLY!

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** Shipped by Freight ONLY **


• Immediate Wet Look: Offers high appearance level buffing

• Designed for ease of application: May be applied by any personnel stout extensive training

• Flexible Film: Allows for easy removal at black heel marks and scratches: Can be nigh speed burnished on a daily maintenance schedule

• May be used with conventional or high-speed floor maintenance system: Allows versatility and reduced inventory level of additional products.


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** Shipped by Freight ONLY **


• Immediate Wet Look: Offers high appearance level buffing

• Designed for ease of application: May be applied by any personnel stout extensive training

• Flexible Film: Allows for easy removal at black heel marks and scratches: Can be nigh speed burnished on a daily maintenance schedule

• May be used with conventional or high-speed floor maintenance system: Allows versatility and reduced inventory level of additional products.


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608604GL ABC

spray mister 2000, buffing, floor shine, buffer.

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Anti-slip with gloss restore
Bring back floor shine
Less scub/shoe mark.

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‘ Need MSDS? Click Here

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Out of stock
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.disclamer { border: 3px solid red; height: 400px; margin-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 10px; width: 750px; }   Need MSDS? Click Here There is a misconception in our industry that a bright, glossy finished floor is likely to be slippery. The truth is that a…

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Need MSDS? Click Here

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NO Ground Shipping! Freight Shipping ONLY!We can ship ground for Gallon size Click HERE to order Gallon size Need MSDS? Click Here  

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Solid (%): 18.5 +/- 0.5
NO Ground Shipping
Freight Shipping ONLY

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Solid (%): 18.5 +/- 0.5

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Excellent floor finish with great longevity with a Non-Glossy look.

Need MSDS? Click Here

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NO Ground Shipping
Freight Shipping ONLY

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Designed to protect and beautify any resilient tile, sealed wood, ceramic, terrazzo, quarry tile, or hard surface flooring.

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NO Ground Shipping
Freight Shipping ONLY

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Xmas/ End of Year SPECIAL
Adios 2020!
So glad that year 2020 is almost over.
We will get through this Covid-19 together.
Save extra 10% off on already
rock-bottom priced Janilink's major machines & chemicals by using code below. Please follow the link on top of the page.
Code: XMAS10
We wish you happy & healthy Holidays!
We’ve just moved to a new location!
You're welcome to come in!

[ New location: ]
6576 Dawson Blvd, Ste B~D
Norcross, GA, 30093
(Near Rooms-to-go Outlet on Jimmy Carter Blvd Exit- Only 7 mins away from previous location)